Christine A. Messina
SVP Sales & Marketing

Professional Experience:
2005-2014 allRisk Vice President
2002-2005 allRisk Production Manager
1998-2002 MTV Advertising
1995-1998 BBDO Advertising
Christine Messina is Vice President of allRisk Property Damage Experts. She began her career at allRisk in 2002 as a production coordinator serving the firm’s Construction & Restoration division. In 2005 Christine transitioned into a community and market relations role representing allRisk in industry organizations, with an emphasis on public education entities, higher education institutions, and senior housing. Through these professional development groups, it is Christine’s ongoing mission to better learn the issues and goals important to her clients and develop ways to meet those challenges. Following the high impact events of Hurricanes Irene and Sandy, Christine has dedicated much of her time as a featured speaker, to transform disaster “lessons learned” into actionable preparedness implementation for businesses, community leaders and senior citizens. In her mission she motivates every individual to “be their own first responder”, and provides no cost and low cost guidance on how to do so. Christine obtained her Bachelors of Arts degree from Lafayette College in 1995 and resides in Haddonfield, NJ with her husband and children. As the mother of two active boys, her home environment provides plenty of inspiration to always be prepared for the unexpected.
Educational Speaker:
- Middlesex County ASBO, “Proactive HVAC Maintenance for Mold Management”, June 2014
- Middlesex Regional Educational Services Commission, Co-presenter “From the 3 Ring Binder to the Palm of your Hand: The Cost of Emergency Plan Improvements in a smartphone World” (CEU credit approved for QPA, Municipal Finance Officer, County Finance Officer, Public Works Mgr., & Municipal Clerk), May 2014
- NJSBAIG E.R.I.C. North JIF – Co-Presenter “Proactive Mold Management” (CEU), October 2013
- SPELL JIF Summer Meeting – Co-Presenter “Proactive Mold Management”, July 2013
- PRD Management (17 senior housing locations) “Building a Culture of Preparedness”; June 2013
- Middlesex Regional Educational Services Commission Annual Conference, “Two Faces of Disaster: Preparing Your Institution’s Physical and Financial Recovery” (CEU credit approved for educational leaders), Spring 2013
- Association of School Business Officials – Atlantic and Morris Counties: “Two Faces of Disaster: Preparing Your Institution’s Physical and Financial Recovery” (CEU credit approved for educational leaders), Fall 2013
- ERAPPA Conference 2012, Co-presenter “Floods, Earthquakes & Hurricanes…Oh My!”: Emergency Management Lessons Learned at Rowan University in August 2011
- NJASBO Annual Conference, Co-authored “Proactive Mold Management”; Spring 2012
Media expert resource:
- 12/5/13 Kim Power Stilson “Talkworthy” interview on Sirius XM 143 BYU Radio – “Are You Prepared for the Storm”
- 8/30/11 WHYY (radio) interview “tips on mold after the flood”
- 8/27/11 “Big Money w/ Steve Cordasco” on CBS Radio 1210AM – “Financial Recovery Tips before the Hurricane”
- 7/29/11 Mid-Atlantic Real Estate Journal – “Easing the Burden of Disaster Recovery”
Boards & Committees:
- NJASBO Associate Business Member Executive Committee, Vice President; 2014
- CARES Institute (Child Abuse Research & Education Services) Advisory Board, since 2005
- Advisory Board – Reproductive & Intrauterine Institute at Virtua; since 2010
- Cherry Hill Education Foundation – Golf Committee (2009 & 2010); Dancer, “Dancin’ with the Cherry Hill Stars” Annual Fundraiser, 2011
- Leading Age NJ – Disaster Recovery Workgroup; since 2005
Associate Business Member:
- NJASBO and County Chapters of: Camden, Atlantic, Cape May, Somerset & Ocean
- NJSGBA – NJ Schools Buildings & Grounds: Camden/Gloucester, Atlantic
- NJ Educational Facility Managers of Camden and Gloucester
- Leading Age NJ – (an associate for nonprofit homes and services for the aging)
- Leading Age PA – (an associate for nonprofit homes and services for the aging)
- IREM – Institute of Real Estate Management
- NJ Associate of Homes & Services for the Aging – Business Partner of the Year 2009